Wednesday 13 October 2010

VARK Questionnaire Analysis and Reflection

Visual Score: 4
Aural Score: 2
Read/Write Score: 9
Kinetic Score: 5

In an analysis of my VARK questionnaire, I do not find any real anomalies with the results. I would have expected a slightly more rounded set, the 9 being a 7 and the 2 a 3, but I suppose this means that I have a much clearer direction to focus my learning in.

In reflection of the questionnaire, the visual score is understandable. When I consider my relationships with diagrams and visual representations I can begin to see that they are not my strongest learning area, but they are not my weakest either.

My aural score is very surprising; I have always thought I have been good at listening and understanding vocal commands and lectures. However, I do have a history of failing to remember vocal commands, and this would explain that. In the future I need to remember to write down what people tell me to do, that way I will be able to remember them a lot better.

The read/write score is of little surprise, I have always been good at remembering what I have read and at learning from books. I would not say that I am better at writing, from my experience it makes little difference to me, but through reading I can gain much knowledge and retain it without too much effort.

The kinetic score is a little surprising; I would have expected it to be a little lower, at least below the visual score. I have never though of my self as any form of a kinetic learner, and I cannot think of any real examples of me learning though that system.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting.
    Good reflection and a thought about how you can improve i.e"In the future I need to remember to write down what people tell me to do, that way I will be able to remember them a lot better."
    Well done
