Tuesday 12 October 2010

Approches to Learning and Studying

After working through the hand out about the approaches to learning and studying, I completed the scoring system, and discovered that out of the three styles – Systematic, Surface and Deep – I came out as a systematic/deep learner. By this I have gathered that it means although I do not necessarily understand what I am doing, or have an end goal, I will work hard at what I am doing and aim to succeed.

In reflection of this, I agree mainly with the questionnaire. I would say that I am not as organised as the test presents me, as although I am organised in the areas it queries, I am not organised in others. One interesting fact the questionnaire revealed to me is that it was not my choice to be on this course, and it is not me that is pushing to succeed at this, weather this will affect my input is a question of time, but now that I’m aware I will look at changing this or at least using it in some productive way.

1 comment:

  1. Good! I would hope that most learners at level 4 i.e HE would become more than just surface learners.
